- さくらVPS
- CentOS 6.2
- OpenJDK 1.6.0_24
- Apache Nutch 2.1
- Apache Cassandra 1.2
- Inject クローリングの始点をデータベース、つまり今回はCassandraに、登録する。
- Generate クロール対象の選択。
- Fetch 対象サイトのデータを取得する。
- Parse 次は、取得したデータの解析・情報抽出。
- UpdateDB Parseでリンクも抽出しており、これを次のクロールの候補としてデータベースに反映させる。
- おさらい 再度以下を1巡行うと、
# pwd /opt/apache-nutch-2.1 # cat urls/seed.txt http://nutch.apache.org/ http://lucene.apache.org/ http://cassandra.apache.org/ # nutch inject urls/ InjectorJob: starting InjectorJob: urlDir: urls <省略> InjectorJob: finished確かめる。
# nutch readdb -dump ./out_dir # cat out_dir/part-r-00000 http://cassandra.apache.org/ key: org.apache.cassandra:http/ baseUrl: null status: 0 (null) fetchInterval: 2592000 fetchTime: 1358584769397 prevFetchTime: 0 retries: 0 modifiedTime: 0 protocolStatus: (null) parseStatus: (null) title: null score: 1.0 markers: {dist=0, _injmrk_=y} metadata _csh_ : ?� http://lucene.apache.org/ key: org.apache.lucene:http/ baseUrl: null status: 0 (null) fetchInterval: 2592000 fetchTime: 1358584769397 prevFetchTime: 0 retries: 0 modifiedTime: 0 protocolStatus: (null) parseStatus: (null) title: null score: 1.0 markers: {dist=0, _injmrk_=y} metadata _csh_ : ?� http://nutch.apache.org/ key: org.apache.nutch:http/ baseUrl: null status: 0 (null) fetchInterval: 2592000 fetchTime: 1358584769397 prevFetchTime: 0 retries: 0 modifiedTime: 0 protocolStatus: (null) parseStatus: (null) title: null score: 1.0 markers: {dist=0, _injmrk_=y} metadata _csh_ : ?�たしかに3つのサイトが登録されている。
# nutch generate <省略>そして確認。readdb -dumpの出力先ディレクトリは、存在するとエラーになる。ここでは同じディレクトリにするので最初に消しておく。
# rm -rf out_dir # nutch readdb -dump ./out_dir <省略> # cat out_dir/part-r-00000 http://cassandra.apache.org/ key: org.apache.cassandra:http/ baseUrl: null status: 0 (null) fetchInterval: 2592000 fetchTime: 1358584769397 prevFetchTime: 0 retries: 0 modifiedTime: 0 protocolStatus: (null) parseStatus: (null) title: null score: 1.0 markers: {dist=0, _injmrk_=y, _gnmrk_=1358585856-208596666} metadata _csh_ : ?� http://lucene.apache.org/ key: org.apache.lucene:http/ baseUrl: null status: 0 (null) fetchInterval: 2592000 fetchTime: 1358584769397 prevFetchTime: 0 retries: 0 modifiedTime: 0 protocolStatus: (null) parseStatus: (null) title: null score: 1.0 markers: {dist=0, _injmrk_=y, _gnmrk_=1358585856-208596666} metadata _csh_ : ?� http://nutch.apache.org/ key: org.apache.nutch:http/ baseUrl: null status: 0 (null) fetchInterval: 2592000 fetchTime: 1358584769397 prevFetchTime: 0 retries: 0 modifiedTime: 0 protocolStatus: (null) parseStatus: (null) title: null score: 1.0 markers: {dist=0, _injmrk_=y, _gnmrk_=1358585856-208596666} metadata _csh_ : ?�markersのところが追記されているが、大きな変化はなし。
# nutch generate -topN 1 <省略> # nutch readdb -dump out_dir # cat out_dir/part-r-00000 http://cassandra.apache.org/ key: org.apache.cassandra:http/ <省略> markers: {dist=0, _injmrk_=y, _gnmrk_=1358586890-1155183335} metadata _csh_ : ?� http://lucene.apache.org/ key: org.apache.lucene:http/ <省略> markers: {dist=0, _injmrk_=y} metadata _csh_ : ?� http://nutch.apache.org/ key: org.apache.nutch:http/ <省略> markers: {dist=0, _injmrk_=y} metadata _csh_ : ?�最初のサイトに対してのみ、markersに追記がなされている。
fetchの引数には、generate実行時の最後に出力されるBatch Idを指定する。
# nutch fetch 1358585856-208596666 <省略>Cassandraをのぞくと、確かにコンテンツが格納されている模様。
# cassandra-cli Connected to: "Cassandra Cluster" on Welcome to Cassandra CLI version 1.2.0 Type 'help;' or '?' for help. Type 'quit;' or 'exit;' to quit. [default@unknown] use webpage; [default@webpage] list f; Using default limit of 100 Using default column limit of 100 ------------------- RowKey: 6f72672e6170616368652e6e757463683a687474702f => (column=bas, value=http://nutch.apache.org/, timestamp=1358588578114000) => (column=cnt, value= <省略> , timestamp=1358588578191000) => (column=fi, value=2592000, timestamp=1358588024031000) => (column=pts, value=1358588021620, timestamp=1358588578188001) => (column=s, value=1.0, timestamp=1358588024032000) => (column=st, value=2, timestamp=1358588578187000) => (column=ts, value=1358588574261, timestamp=1358588578188000) => (column=typ, value=application/xhtml+xml, timestamp=1358588578192000) 3 Rows Returned. Elapsed time: 27 msec(s). [default@webpage]
# nutch parse 1358588033-175013002 <省略>CassandraのColumnFamily「p」に解析されたデータが格納される。
[default@webpage] list sc; Using default limit of 100 Using default column limit of 100 ------------------- RowKey: 6f72672e6170616368652e6e757463683a687474702f => (super_column=h, (column=Accept-Ranges, value=bytes, timestamp=1358588578175000) (column=Connection, value=close, timestamp=1358588578168000) (column=Content-Encoding, value=gzip, timestamp=1358588578162000) (column=Content-Length, value=8631, timestamp=1358588578171000) (column=Content-Type, value=text/html; charset=utf-8, timestamp=1358588578169000) (column=Date, value=Sat, 19 Jan 2013 09:42:53 GMT, timestamp=1358588578173000) (column=ETag, value="84c4-4d0994769b476-gzip", timestamp=1358588578166000) (column=Last-Modified, value=Tue, 11 Dec 2012 20:10:53 GMT, timestamp=1358588578172000) (column=Server, value=Apache/2.4.3 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.0.0g, timestamp=1358588578176000) (column=Vary, value=Accept-Encoding, timestamp=1358588578178000)) => (super_column=mk, (column=__prsmrk__, value=1358588033-175013002, timestamp=1358590210616000) (column=_ftcmrk_, value=1358588033-175013002, timestamp=1358590210613000) (column=_gnmrk_, value=1358588033-175013002, timestamp=1358590210614000) (column=_injmrk_, value=y, timestamp=1358590210611000) (column=dist, value=0, timestamp=1358590210610000)) => (super_column=mtdt, (column=_csh_, value=, timestamp=1358590006461000)) => (super_column=ol, (column=http://lucene.apache.org/java/, value=Lucene, timestamp=1358590210557000) (column=http://lucene.apache.org/solr/, value=Solr, timestamp=1358590210581000) (column=http://nutch.apache.org/, value=Nutch, timestamp=1358590210606000) <省略> developers and community members hang out in the #cassandra channel on irc.freenode.net . If you are new to IRC, you can use a web-based client . Dead Trees Cassandra High Performance Cookbook , by Ed Capriolo. Covers Cassandra 0.8. Also on Amazon . Copyright © 2009 The Apache Software Foundation . Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Apache and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. Privacy Policy ., timestamp=1358590210680000) => (column=sig, value=�#)�2s��D��j�, timestamp=1358590210678000) => (column=t, value=The Apache Cassandra Project, timestamp=1358590210679000) 3 Rows Returned. Elapsed time: 13 msec(s).
# nutch updatedbCassandraをのぞくとデータ件数が45に増えている。
[default@webpage] list f; <省略&pt; => (column=ts, value=1358590521209, timestamp=1358590521282000) 45 Rows Returned. Elapsed time: 80 msec(s).readdbでも確認してみる。
# cat ./out_dir/part-r-00000 http://cassandra.apache.org/ key: org.apache.cassandra:http/ baseUrl: http://cassandra.apache.org/ status: 2 (status_fetched) fetchInterval: 2592000 fetchTime: 1363772574261 prevFetchTime: 1358588021620 retries: 0 modifiedTime: 0 protocolStatus: SUCCESS, args=[] parseStatus: success/ok (1/0), args=[] title: The Apache Cassandra Project score: 1.0 signature: 14efbfbd2329efbfbd3273efbfbdefbfbd44efbfbdefbfbd6aefbfbd000000 markers: {dist=0, _injmrk_=y, _updmrk_=1358588033-175013002, _gnmrk_=1358588033-175013002, _ftcmrk_=1358588033-175013002, __prsmrk__=1358588033-175013002} metadata _csh_ : http://cassandra.apache.org/download/ key: org.apache.cassandra:http/download/ baseUrl: null status: 1 (status_unfetched) fetchInterval: 2592000 fetchTime: 1358590521209 prevFetchTime: 0 retries: 0 modifiedTime: 0 protocolStatus: UNKNOWN_CODE_0, args=[] parseStatus: notparsed/ok (0/0), args=[] title: null score: 0.0 markers: {dist=1} metadata _csh_ : http://cassandra.apache.org/privacy.html key: org.apache.cassandra:http/privacy.html baseUrl: null status: 1 (status_unfetched) fetchInterval: 2592000 fetchTime: 1358590521210 prevFetchTime: 0 retries: 0 modifiedTime: 0 protocolStatus: UNKNOWN_CODE_0, args=[] parseStatus: notparsed/ok (0/0), args=[] title: null score: 0.0 markers: {dist=1} metadata _csh_ : http://lucene.apache.org/ key: org.apache.lucene:http/ baseUrl: http://lucene.apache.org/ status: 2 (status_fetched) fetchInterval: 2592000 fetchTime: 1363772574561 prevFetchTime: 1358588021620 retries: 0 modifiedTime: 0 protocolStatus: SUCCESS, args=[] parseStatus: success/ok (1/0), args=[] title: Apache Lucene - Welcome to Apache Lucene score: 1.0 signature: efbfbdefbfbdefbfbdefbfbd67efbfbd74efbfbd5cefbfbdefbfbd21413befbfbdefbfbd0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 markers: {dist=0, _injmrk_=y, _updmrk_=1358588033-175013002, _gnmrk_=1358588033-175013002, _ftcmrk_=1358588033-175013002, __prsmrk__=1358588033-175013002} metadata _csh_ :
# nutch generate -topN 10 <省略> GeneratorJob: generated batch id: 1358607691-1967365662 # nutch fetch 1358607691-1967365662 # nutch parse 1358607691-1967365662 # nutch updatedbColumnFamily「p」が13件に、ColumnFamily「f」が125件となった。
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