- Mac Book Air
- Mac OS X 10.8.2
- OpenSSL 0.9.8
- Apache 2.2.22
- Google Chrome 24.0.1312
- クライントの秘密鍵・証明書作成 前回と同じように~/pkiで作業を行う。
- ApacheのSSL設定 Apacheを停止しておく。
- ブラウザにクライアント証明書を設定 まず、クライアント証明書をpkcs12形式に変換する。
$ cd ~/pki $ mkdir ~/pki/clientまずは、クライアントの秘密鍵の作成。
$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out ~/pki/client/client.key 1024 Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus ..++++++ .....++++++ e is 65537 (0x10001) Enter pass phrase for /Users/shu222/pki/client/client.key: Verifying - Enter pass phrase for /Users/shu222/pki/client/client.key:次に、クライアントの認証局への署名要求書の作成。
$ openssl req -new -days 365 -key ~/pki/client/client.key -out ~/pki/client/csr.pem Enter pass phrase for /Users/shu222/pki/client/client.key: You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank For some fields there will be a default value, If you enter '.', the field will be left blank. ----- Country Name (2 letter code) [JP]: State or Province Name (full name) [Kobe]: Locality Name (eg, city) [Chuo-ku]: Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]: Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:noah Email Address []: Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your certificate request A challenge password []: An optional company name []:CAで署名する。クライアント証明書の出来上がり。
$ openssl ca -in ~/pki/client/csr.pem -keyfile ~/pki/demoCA/private/cakey.pem -cert ~/pki/demoCA/cacert.pem -out ~/pki/client/cert.pem Using configuration from /System/Library/OpenSSL/openssl.cnf Enter pass phrase for /Users/testuser/pki/demoCA/private/cakey.pem: Check that the request matches the signature Signature ok Certificate Details: Serial Number: bd:48:b8:5b:4c:1c:57:12 Validity Not Before: Feb 23 13:55:05 2013 GMT Not After : Feb 21 13:55:05 2023 GMT Subject: countryName = JP stateOrProvinceName = Kobe organizationName = Internet Widgits Pty Ltd commonName = noah X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:FALSE Netscape Cert Type: SSL Server Netscape Comment: OpenSSL Generated Certificate X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 0A:F6:CB:01:4E:FD:0C:4B:DB:3E:E1:6B:76:9A:C6:63:B8:49:64:57 X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:09:18:4F:0E:9D:62:76:25:9D:1D:7F:34:9E:CC:5F:47:C0:DA:41:6B Certificate is to be certified until Feb 21 13:55:05 2023 GMT (3650 days) Sign the certificate? [y/n]:y 1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]y Write out database with 1 new entries Data Base Updated
$ sudo apachectl stophttpd-ssl.confに以下の設定を記述する。
SSLCACertificatePath "/Users/testuser/pki/demoCA"認証局の証明書ファイルのパス
SSLCACertificateFile "/Users/testuser/pki/demoCA/cacert.pem"クライントの認証方式。{none | optional | require | optional_no_ca}が選択できるよう。
SSLVerifyClient require証明書チェインにおいて認証局を辿る深さ。今回はオレオレなので1。
SSLVerifyDepth 1
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -in ~/pki/client/cert.pem -inkey ~/pki/client/client.key -certfile ~/pki/demoCA/cacert.pem -out ~/pki/client/cert.p12Chromeの場合、メニューバーの「Chrome」→「環境設定...」→一番下にスクロールして「詳細設定を表示...」